Plato and Platonism

Gabriele Cornelli, Giovanni Casertano, Loraine Oliveira, Rodolfo Lopes, Luca Jean Pitteloud, Renato Brandão, Silvio Marino


Ancient Aesthetics: Narrative, Visuality and Truth

Delfim Leão, Marcus Mota, Agatha Bacelar


Ancient Politics: Democracy and Promises of Happiness

Aldo Dinutti, Delfim Leão, Giovanni Casertano, Henrique Modanez de Sant'Anna, Marcelo Carvalho, Paulo César Nascimento, Rodolfo Lopes, Rodrigo Brito


Politics, Identities and Culture

Miroslav Milovic, Paulo César Nascimento, Pedro Gontijo, Wanderson Flor do Nascimento


Metaphysics, Life and Knowledge

Evaldo Sampaio, Priscila Borges, Rainri Back, Gerson Brea


Metaphysics of Art, Metaphysics of the World

Enrique Huelva Unternbäumen, Rogério da Silva Lima, Marcus Mota


Biopolitics and Bioethics

Gabriele Cornelli, Miroslav Milovic, Pedro Gontijo, Wanderson Flor do Nascimento